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Spurious double grant of "Steward" badge

The rules are being changed; you're getting one Steward badge for every 1,000 reviews in a queue. See this comment by Stack Exchange staff member @animuson: There's supposedly an announcement about ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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I have earned a badge but it is not showing anywhere

I know it's exciting to be the first person to earn the Socratic badge, but let's wait the recommended 24 hours before panicking too much. It's taken at least 100 days to earn, so 1 more day shouldn't ...
Paul White's user avatar
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is there a way to monitor the progress we make towards a badge we already achieved, considering the badge can be awarded multiple times?

Could it simply be that that the ones awarded multiple times are the ones that you have no control over because they are to do with the cumulative actions of others, so it makes no sense to track them
Martin Hügi's user avatar
4 votes

is there a way to monitor the progress we make towards a badge we already achieved, considering the badge can be awarded multiple times?

When I open my Next badge suggestion list in any of my profiles, I can see not a single badge there that is from among those awarded per post, like e.g. Stellar Question or Nice Answer. I don't ...
Andriy M's user avatar
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where is the survey associated with the census badge?

The annual Developer Survey is announced at The link to the announcement is usually featured in the yellow box at the top of the right-side sidebar, under the Blog section. ...
Andriy M's user avatar
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is there a way to monitor the progress we make towards a badge we already achieved, considering the badge can be awarded multiple times?

If you think about why Stellar Question and Nice Answer are awarded, you don't need to track them per user--they are implicitly tracked on every post. Each question knows how many favorites it has. ...
AMtwo's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible