Linked Questions

29 votes
8 answers

Why Database Administrators?

When I comited to this site, the title was Database. It suddenly became Database Administrators, why that ? Talking about database is not only the administration side it's all the task around also. ...
Spredzy's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Should basic SQL questions be allowed?

I’m going to buck the pervasive mentality here and ask the question:    Why shouldn’t include basic SQL questions? Previous related discussions: How do we ...
Leigh Riffel's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Shall we add a new 'off-topic' reason for questions that are 'too basic'?

We get questions from time to time like this one or the odd 'how do I join two tables' SQL question, which fall short of our 'expert-level'. Some are best migrated to SO, but for the rest, would it ...
Jack Douglas's user avatar
  • 40.2k
7 votes
3 answers

Beginner's questions (convert Access queries and such)

It seems pretty obvious, having been on this site for a while, that the primary target for this site is database administrators (or people who want to be DBAs, people who love working with databases ...
Richard's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

A quick thought on splitting from SO

I just wanted to say that it was a not-completely-pleasant surprise to realize that this whole other site for database stuff could be taking questions from SO, and that an area I had earned at least ...
ErikE's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How 'Off-Topic' can someone go

I was just checking my answer/reply history and noticed Select using a different value than id on join became Closed as 'Off Topic'. Tag reads "this could be because your code has a typo, basic error,...
Nelson's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How do we define a question as being "too basic"? Where do we draw the line?

It has been suggested that we close 'true beginner questions' as off-topic on this site. Where do we draw the line? For example, should this question be closed (I've voted to close it as off-topic, ...
Jack Douglas's user avatar
  • 40.2k
6 votes
3 answers

Closing questions as off-topic when they belong on our site

Over the past couple of days I have noticed questions that have been flagged as needing to be closed or migrated to Stack Overflow because these questions contain code or not direct questions about a ...
Mr.Brownstone's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

I think that we should encourage more questions!

I saw this question today and it was rightfully put on hold because it was cross-posted to stackoverflow (where it already had an answer anyway). However, one poster told the OP that "Besides, this ...
Vérace's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

why was this migrated

Why was this post migrated? It is similar to questions I would ask - I ...
JHFB's user avatar
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