As I mentioned in chat, ideally you would have asked the community for feedback on this new tag before creating it, and new tags should come with usage guidance at a minimum:
@EvanCarroll What the heck does mtime-row
mean? If you're going to create a tag, at least add some usage guidance and maybe a wiki. Before you get 2k privileges, you might consider asking on Database Administrators Meta beforehand to get the community's view on a proposed new tag.
That aide, I can see some uses for a tag like this to group similar questions, to:
- Aid searching for people interested in existing related questions and answers (including for possible close as duplicate actions)
- Connect users with the required experience and skills to questions they can answer. It may well be that the initial revision of a question will not be tagged appropriately, but editors can address this
- Provide some statistical information
On the downside, the name mtime-row is pretty terrible, because it is not well-known to our target audience. I would suggest row-modification-time instead.
The Create Tags privilege page says (emphasis added):
When should I create new tags?
Most common tags already exist on a mature site. You should always favor existing tags; only create new tags when you feel you can make a strong case that your question does cover a new topic that nobody else has asked about before on this site.
The question here does not currently make a case for the tag, but I can see that we do have some other vaguely similar tags (e.g. for common query patterns), for example:
On balance, I would be prepared to give this tag idea a go (as an experiment), on the basis that if it proves not to be popular or useful, it will not take much effort to remove it. It does need a better name, though.
I would not like to see a multitude of similar low-volume tags of this general sort, but I have been wrong about things before, so it seems only fair to try it out.
I have created row-modification-time and made mtime-row a synonym.