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21 votes

I have selected an answer, but my requirements have changed

Ask a new (follow-up) question, including a link to the previous one if it provides useful context. The new question should still make sense on its own, of course. As a general rule, it is better to ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
15 votes

Comment of OP fundamental to question

Adding a comment seems inappropriate, as the comment does not add anything significant. A comment inviting the author to include information in the question body can be helpful. If the suggested ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
12 votes

Editing other people's answers

I'm curious as to why someone would get out of their way for such an inconsequential change... This was a pretty terrible edit. Feel free to roll it back. people get points when they edit ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
10 votes

ban from suggesting edits

From Why can people edit my posts? How does editing work? in the help: If a user without edit privileges proposes an edit that does not comply with the guidelines above, it is ordinarily rejected ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
9 votes

Why do people get credited for editing questions?

Try not to be annoyed. It helps no one, and complaining about someone trying to help you comes across as whiney. FYI, I just edited several of your questions to correct grammatical inconsistencies. ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
  • 70.3k
9 votes

Why do people get credited for editing questions?

Since I assume you're complaining about my edits to your recent question, here's an explanation: Edit 1: Your question was about getting the max from two tables. I misread your code a bit, and ...
Erik Darling's user avatar
  • 42.6k
8 votes

Should syntax errors / script errors be corrected via edits?

My view is that making an edit while respecting the intent of the original author is preferable. It produces the best and quickest outcome, with the minimum amount of noise and effort required from ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
8 votes

Could the editing limit if changing code syntax be reduced from 6 characters

Until a user has earned the Edit Questions And Answers privilege, suggested edits need to be at least six characters, and preferably many more than that. This may seem like an unfair restriction, but ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
8 votes

How to add conclusive information to a question - after it has been answered?

The question author adding a "conclusion" is a bit of an odd thing that does not naturally fit in Q & A format. Nevertheless, on the odd occasion the question author strongly feels this sort of ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k
8 votes

Comment of OP fundamental to question

If the questioner has added further information in a comment, it is already in his words, with his phrasing. Paste it into the question proper. Some sensitive edits to correct typos, say, or to help ...
Michael Green's user avatar
7 votes

Undo accepted edit back to pending, not full revert

Rolling back the edit would seem to me a perfectly fair course of action in this situation. You are not required/expected to be able to immediately validate someone's update which was approved without ...
Andriy M's user avatar
  • 23.1k
7 votes

Tag synonyms and edits

The general SQL Server tag is useful for people looking to answer questions about SQL Server in general. The specific version tag is useful for: answerers, so they know what features and syntax may ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
  • 181k
5 votes

Should syntax errors / script errors be corrected via edits?

See also answers on the CAPS COPS question. TL;DR: making things better is generally OK; just making things different, not so much. Be sensitive to the intent of the question and whether layout, ...
Michael Green's user avatar
5 votes

how to undo edits someone else did on my own posts?

When you check what's directly under the bottom of your post, there are two links like edited 2 hours ago and the 'card' of the editor. If you click the former, you will get to the revision history ...
András Váczi's user avatar
4 votes

What's an appropriate edit to an old post containing links to old documentation?

An edit should really only be approved if it materially improves the original post. For this specific instance, and since MySQL 5.7 is still supported and available for download, the edit is ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
  • 70.3k
4 votes

Clarification on suggested edits that basically just remove "Thanks!"

Findings I've been noticing the same. In many cases the reason for the change was "Improve spelling", "improve grammar", and other minimal invasive edits. Analysing On further examination it turned ...
John K. N.'s user avatar
  • 18.1k
4 votes

Clarification on suggested edits that basically just remove "Thanks!"

If those are the only problems in the post and there is nothing else that needs fixing there there should be no problems with the edit. If there are other changes that need to be made to the post then ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 1,049
4 votes

how to undo edits someone else did on my own posts?

Besides dezso's answer, which covers how you can see the history of the edits of a question and how to rollback, there is one more point: In my opinion he should not have access to edit my answer. ...
ypercubeᵀᴹ's user avatar
3 votes

Clarification on suggested edits that basically just remove "Thanks!"

An improvement is an improvement. I'm not sure of the problem. Myself, I'm a real stickler for code formatting and DDL. Sometimes I'll fix really minor things like " that pad a PostgreSQL query plan ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
  • 64.2k
1 vote

Revision is gone, likely just rejected, but how could it vanish without any trace?

You should see your suggested edit history on your profile's activity tab: Make sure you have the filter set to All or ...
Paul White's user avatar
  • 88.2k

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