A certain user has suggested a boatload of edits recently. The changes have been either largely or completely revolving around the upper-casing of Transact-SQL keywords. For example, a post that looked like this:
select *
from tablename
where columnName = 'foo'
Would be edited to this:
FROM tablename
WHERE columnName = 'foo'
For some, this becomes more readable. I get that; I'm in that group that prefers upper-case keywords. However, that is not everyone. Plus some other issues were missed here (missing schema prefix, missing trailing semi-colon, the use of SELECT *
) that could definitely be a better target for improvements or at least mentioned as potential bad habits.
Some arguments against this behavior of editing someone else's code merely to transform case of keywords:
- This becomes less readable for some (just not for you).
- This is no longer the code the OP wrote, and is no longer in the format of the OP's preference (regardless of your preference).
- Keywords are not case sensitive in Transact-SQL. Just because you like
does not necessarily mean that is the standard we as a group should be encouraging, never mind enforcing.
But I'm putting this out to the community. Should we encourage users to post edits that only (or not much more than) "correct" the casing of T-SQL keywords? If we should, should we not then also enforce this standard and perform the same types of edits ourselves? If the community agrees that upper-casing T-SQL keywords is "correct" then we shouldn't ever see a lower-case keyword on the site, right?