I'm going to rebel against JackD just a bit, and on one point specifically, which is also my answer to the Q:
We should not comment complaining it is short, flag or make extensive edits changing the whole character of the answer: please provide a better answer instead.
The issue here is that we as mods see something from the SE team who wrote the core SE engine. Specifically there is a system-applied flag on content that is "too short" according to the general SE guidelines. Those rules apply to the entire network. They aren't custom to our site. No, I won't disclose what limits trip that flag. However, when your answer is so short that it auto-trips the flag, I will ask that the answerer provide more detail, or if the person is a habitual short-answer-provider I'll just convert to comment without leaving them any room for discussion or dissension.
If another mod reverts the conversion, so be it.
But this is my take, and this is where I stand my ground. If you can't be arsed to write a full answer that gives some how or why then I won't give you any ground on keeping your answer. Especially when you have more than 2k rep on any site in the SE network.
I do read every answer before converting, and if a simple sentence is the entire solution, often as not the question should be closed or deleted. So I may often go that route.
Probably 90% (statistics made up on the spot, no way!) are actually from people with less than 150 rep, so most of these actually are comments, and so I'm rather justified in such an auto-conversion policy. I see enough of them to know when to make that decision.
So this is my policy, by which I govern all "short" posts. Feel free to offer me constructive feedback, but you're unlikely to change my mind except by logic, or by SE mandate.