Besides dezso's answer, which covers how you can see the history of the edits of a question and how to rollback, there is one more point:
In my opinion he should not have access to edit my answer. I would consider this a bug.
No, it is not a bug. A central point of the whole idea behind Stack Oveflow and the sister sites is that anyone can post questions and answers and anyone can edit both. So:
There are also certain provisions to prevent undesired behaviours like deleting or vandalizing posts, war edits, etc. For example, unregistered users or users with low reputation can only suggest edits and cannot directly make any edit. Only then the OP or other high rep users can accept or reject the edit.
And even if a mistake happens, anyone (with enough rep) can also roll back the unwanted/mistaken edit. And, finally:
How can I undo this edit on my answer?
Yes, you can go and roll back the unwanted edit. But
No, it's not your answer any more. You are just the original poster, anyone can edit and improve your answer. You will still get a notification for a change in any of your questions or answers, so you can review and roll back if necessary.