I laid out clear terms as to what was going on, suggesting it was likely a configuration issue on the specific server I was trying to connect to (eg, happens on server 1, but not server 2, though they are the same version). That sort of thing is on-topic:
If you have a question about...
Database Administration including configuration and backup / restore
I provided clear and detailed evidence and output of what I had tried and what failed, with exact syntax errors and pcap data. Yet it got closed as off topic as a possibly typo or command error? That is the sort of action I'd expect from someone who doesn't understand or want to try to understand how a protocol works - not what I'd expect from a community of experts...
In any case, I dug through the protocol myself and figured out it was in fact a configuration issue, not a simple "too old" of a version as suggested in comments without providing any evidence or reasoning as to why he thought that...
In any case, I still think it is valid (yes 5.0 is old, but old does not mean out of production). Lots of enterprises still use old software simply because it still works, and that makes this sort of issue more likely to be seen. I added all the proper documentation from the MySQL site showing the configuration that caused the problem.