Originally database design was included in the overall reviewing on CodeReview.SE. However, now that DBA is here, I'm wondering if those questions would be better here. What do you think?
2 Answers
I answered here
I think it depends if you need a "pro" level review or just basics.
If it's just the basics and you have limited database experience (and there's nothing wrong with the basics) then a generic code review is fine.
If it's a complex schema and you have lots of database experience, then asking here is preferred.
Remember, the audience is professional DBAs on this site -- database specialists. If your question is more basic and general, it belongs on Stack Overflow or Code Review, where there are more generalists.
I definitely think that they have a home here. There's a difference between reviewing a class and reviewing a proper table definition including indexes and expected versus actual performance and the like.
Same goes for queries.
I made a Venn for how I view the site currently:
we're so small in this IT world.. I feel so unique. Maybe we're just like dinosaurs .. on our way out? :-).– MarianCommented Mar 11, 2011 at 9:35
Yes. We're so specific even the questions are hard to come by! Commented Apr 5, 2011 at 10:41
+1 for nice venn diagram. Another example of a picture worth a thousand words. Commented Jun 6, 2011 at 14:19