I'm just wondering why unregistered users are allowed to ask questions? And then I keep on wondering and think: Why are unregistered users allowed to answer questions?
IMHO it might be more adequate to have only registered users ask questions. The reasoning behind this is that we would have less fire-and-forget Q & As popping up and the quality of the questions might benefit from having to register.
I do however agree that having unregistered users answering questions could be a bit more beneficial for the community.
Similar question have been asked before in META:
Question: Encouraging users to create an account (and keep it)
I know SO's policy is "you don't have to register to ask questions," but there are so many new members and so many hit-and-runs... The majority of the questions I see now are coming from new users (i.e., it's their first question).
I have decided this policy no longer makes sense, given a question volume of 4k-5k questions per day.
So from this point on, registration is required to ask questions (but not to answer).
answered Sep 23 '11 at 8:29 Jeff Atwood ♦
Question: Can unregistered users be blocked from answering on some sites?
A few years ago, a policy change was made so that unregistered users could no longer post questions, only answers. The reasoning given by Jeff Atwood for not requiring registration across the board makes sense...
It's possible, or likely, that the benefits of getting people registered and answering with their "golden nuggets" and then more activity, outweighs the low risk of any potential loss of a "golden nugget" because they only want to post anonymously.
Question: Can we prevent some of the low-quality questions from entering our system?
Stack Overflow has been wildly successful. And maybe in some ways too successful.
I am concerned that Stack Overflow is being inundated by a stream of low-quality questions from users who are accidentally poisoning our well -- by turning off and turning away the core answerers who do all the real work in the system.
In theory there is "no such thing as a stupid question" but in practice, there are: •users who can't be bothered to form sentences •users who don't do the most basic kinds of research themselves •users who barely even explain what it is they are trying to do ...
I think there are several things you can do, and they should all be taken as parts of a whole: They should be implemented together for full effect...
What is the stance here on DBA.SE? Should we only allow questions from registered users to uphold the quality of DBA.SE or should we leave it as it is?
My question is open for discussion.