I looked at the tags, and noticed that there is no tag for data modeling.
Before I try to add one, (assuming that I can) I'd like to find out whether the community has already thought about such a tag, and decided against it. There is a tag, "dimensional-modeling", but that's more specific than data-modeling.
There are a lot of questions about data-modeling over in SO. And there are a lot of questions about database-design that might be better understood as questions about data-modeling. Some questions about data-modeling are being migrated over here. The criterion seems to be to leave the most amateurish questions over in SO, and to migrate the more sophisticated questions over here. Does that alter the advisability of having such a tag over here?
The most interesting case to me, over in SO, is a questioner who has little or no experience with data-modeling, but a fair amount of experience with object-modeling. Some database experts tell such a person to "forget everything you ever learned", but I think such advice is rarely helpful. OTOH, an object modeler is apt to think of data-modeling as a lame subset of object-modeling, but that's an oversimplification. But there is a surprising overlap between the two.
This is especially true when comparing OOA (Object Oriented Analysis) with conceptual data modeling (ER when used for requirements analysis). It becomes a lot less true when you comare OOD with physical data modeling.
So, should there be a data-modeling tag over here? Why or why not?